Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Methods of Disposing Radioactive Chemical Wastes

Solid Radioactive Waste

Office of Radiation Safety personnel place solid waste containers in each posted laboratory. The container is marked with the words "Radioactive Waste" or "Radioactive Material" prominently displayed on the side and lid of the container including damp paper, and solid containers with residual moisture on the surfaces, may be placed in these containers. Test tubes and vials containing pourable quantities of radioactive liquid must be emptied before placing them in solid waste containers.

Liquid Radioactive Waste

Polyethylene cubitainers are available for disposal of liquid radioactive waste. These containers should be placed in an outer container such as a plastic dish pan marked with a radioactive warning label with the words "Radioactive Material" or “Radioactive Waste". Care must be taken when disposing of radioactive liquid not to contaminate the side of the containers. Users must not dispose of radioactive waste in sinks.

Scintillation Vials

Liquid scintillation vials should not be disposed of as either solid or liquid radioactive waste. Liquid scintillation vials should be segregated into two groups: Vials containing only 3H or 14C in scintillation fluid and Vials containing any other isotopes in scintillation fluid. Vials may be packaged for disposal in the original cardboard racks supplied by the vial manufacturer or placed into containers supplied by the Office of Radiation Safety. Do not place any liquid filled vials into solid radioactive waste containers. Do not dispose of scintillation fluid in sinks.

Animal Carcasses

All animal carcasses and tissue samples containing radioactive material bagged in strong plastic bags and securely fastened. A radioactive carcass tag indicating the date of disposal, responsible investigator, nuclide, and its activity must be attached to the bag. The carcasses are then placed in a laboratory freezer until removed by Radiation

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