Friday, March 9, 2018


i)          rotary microtome
         -for production of large number of sections
                     -serial section

ii)         floatation bath
                   -thermostically  controlled
                   -for paraffin wax 56oC melting point water bath temperature is about                             
                   -a variety of fluids are recommended from distilled water to quite high                      
                     concentration of alcohol

iii)         hot plate or drying oven
                   -recommended drying of section onto slides should take place at
                    temperature as low as 37oC
                   -section dried at low temperature drying is prolonged - over night
                   -drying section on a hot plate is necessary if staining is to be carried out 

iv)        brush, seeker, forceps
                   -necessary  during sectioning for removal of folds

 v)        slides, glass marker
                   - size 76mm x 25mm, 1 to 2mm thick
                   -mark slides with a glass marker

vi)        section adhesives
             -most tissue section do not requires any adhesive  provided sections are                  
              initially  dried adequately on to slides
             -if using adhesive solution tend to remove section from slides so
               adhesive should be use
      -types of adhesive
                      -sodium silicate
-tissues impregnated with ester wax or polyester wax will usually require the use of   
  section adhesive - to minimize loss

a)         Mayer`s glycerol albumen
                 Fresh egg white                             50cm3
                 Glycerol                                         50cm3
                 Sodium salicylate                           1cm3
             -mix and agitate ingredient
 -filter through coarse filter paper
 -thin smear is needed on the slide


i)          setting up the microtome
                         -angle of slope of knife at 90o   (clearance 5-10 o  )
                                 -tighten knife clamp screws securely
   block clamp screw must firmly
                          -exposed ends of knife must be protected

ii)         trimming of tissue block
                         -to trim any surplus wax
                         -to expose suitable area of tissue for sectioning - thickness at 20um
                         -on exposing - section thickness set to 0.5-4um
                         -top and bottom of block parallel and horizontal to the edge of knife at the
                          moment of impact

iii)         cutting sections
                -all tissues desired on the slide should be exposed on the surface
                        -no scratch marks on the surface
                        -if scratch marks are visible the knife must be moved laterally
                         the face trimmed again
               -speed of block is important
                        -softer tissues - at a slower rate
                       -optimal speed is obtained through experience
                       -maintain  a regular cutting rhythm
             -a ribbon section is produced
                         -use fine forceps to hold the free end of the ribbon
                         -use soft paint brush to brush away the last section from the knife
                         -transfer ribbon to water bath
            -to obtain flat section its is necessary to spend time in the cutting and gentle               
                         stretching of the ribbon - before floating on the water surface
iv)        floating out sections
                -action in floating out must be smooth with trailing end of the ribbon    
                   making contact  with the water
                -slight  drag when ribbon touches the water will produce tension in ribbon 
                   remove folds from section
                -when ribbon has come to rest on the water - remaining wrinkles and folds
                 are removed by teasing a part using forceps or seeker
                -prolonged floating out of section on the water bath must be avoided as
                 tissues may expand and become distorted
               -advantage if water bath has a black base - section are more easily seen
               -some tissues eg. cartilage  are difficult to flatten on the water surface
   - to overcome this prolonged floating on the water bath - teasing with forceps
     or seekers                                                           
 -trimming away surplus wax from the block

v)         picking up sections
                    -is done by immersing the slide
                    -vertically in the water bath
                    -position the section into contact with the slide
                    -drain it in a vertical position for several minutes

vi)        drying sections
                        -if staining is required urgently drying section on a hot plate is necessary
                        -drying time is 10 minutes
            -dried in an oven - 45 minutes at 45o  C    - section loss if less than 30
                        -advantage of oven drying - dust is less likely to settle on sections
                        -after removal from hot plate or oven - cooled sections are stored in dust
                           free containers
            -if overnight the temperature is 37o C   

Faults and remedies in paraffin wax sectioning

i)          Sections will not join to form a ribbon
-Cause            -wax too hard
                                                -dust on knife edge
                                                -knife angle too wide or narrow

                        -Remedy         -warm or re-embed
                                                -clean with xylene
                                                -adjust angle

ii)         Sections roll into a coil
                        -Cause            -knife blunt
                                                -knife angle too wide
                                                -section thickness too great

                        -Remedy         -replace knife
                                                -reduce knife tilt
                                                -reduce section thickness

iii)         When sections are curved
                        -Cause            -knife blunt in one area
                                                -excess wax in one side

                        -Remedy         -use different part of knife or replace with a new one
                                                -trim away excess wax

iv)        Splitting of sections
                        -Cause            -damage in knife edge
                                                -hard particles in tissue
                                                -hard particles in wax

                        -Remedy         -use different part of knife or replace with a new one
                                                -remove particles from tissue
                                                -re-embed in fresh wax

v)         Compression of sections
                        -Cause            -blunt knife
                                                -angle knife too wide
                                                -wax too soft

                        -Remedy         -replace with a new knife
                                                -reduce knife tilt
                                                -cool block in refrigerator

vi)        Areas of tissue blocks not present in sections
                        -Cause            -incomplete impregnation of tissue
                                                -wax block become detached

-Remedy         - return tissue to vacuum impregnation container for a few       
                                                -re-attach block

vii)       Sections expand and disintegrate on water surface
                        -Cause            -poor impregnation of tissues
                                                -water temperature too high
                                                -floatation bath dirty

-Remedy         -return tissue to vacuum impregnation container for a few    
                                                -cool water
                                                -clean floatation bath

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