Thursday, April 2, 2009


Hematology is a study of the formation and maturation of blood cells. Many hematologic diseases involve failure of maturational mechanisms, abnormal cell differentiation, or failure of regulation of cell proliferation. The pathophysiology of many blood disorders can be explained by study of the proliferative capacity and the degree of differentiation seen when marrow cells are studied microscopically and cultured. The degree of demand, the adequacy of reverses, and the proliferative and differentiation capacity of the bone marrow govern the number of normal and abnormal cells seen in the peripheral blood and bone marrow in certain diseases.

This equips the Medical Laboratory Technologists with theoretical knowledge and technical skill to investigate and diagnose various types of anaemia including iron deficiency anaemia, folae/B12 deficiency anaemia, thalassemia and abnormal haemoglobins. This enables the Medical Laboratory Technologists to understand leukaemia based on classification, aetiology, clinical manifestations and various features.Medical Laboratory Technologists are equipped with the knowledge and technical skill to detect and diagnose this disease through Full Blood Picture, bone marrow study and cytochemistry and also exposes the theory of hemostasis and methods to investigate bleeding and clotting disorders.

Main Reference Textbooks:
Clinical Laboratory Haematology, April 2003, Shirlyn Mckenzie, Prentice Hall

Essential Haematology 5th Edition 2006 A.V.Hoffbrand

Additional Reference Materials:
Practical Haematology, Sir John Dacie & Lewis, 10th Edition, 2004

Anderson’s Electronic Atlas of Hematology 2002 Shauna C Anderson, Lippincott

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